Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

An Introduction to “OLPS”

This historic church is a privately owned “Chapel of Ease”.  It is part of the parish of St. Benet’s, Beccles, and we share the same Parish Priest.

The church, known as “OLPS” for short, is a fascinating building – and the graveyard, too, is well worth a visit. Mass is said at 08:00 on Sundays, and while the grounds are always open, arrangements must be made to see inside the church at other times.  Contact details are available on their own web site.

The web site address is: https://ourladyofperpetualsuccourgillingham.wordpress.com/

The OLPS web site editor has drawn attention to the very good page on the founder of the chapel, John George Kenyon, who also donated the land on which St Benet’s is built.

This may be of particular interest to parishioners and visitors: https://ourladyofperpetualsuccourgillingham.wordpress.com/history/founder/