Parish Organisation


27 March



From Terry O’Brien        
  1.   Bishop Peter met with members of our PPC and FFC – (and those of Bungay) – to clarify the operation of the parishes.  

2.   For us, the key decision is that Canon Paul has agreed to take on the role of “Priest-in-Charge” (PIC) of St Benet’s, while continuing to live in his own home in Norwich.  Canon Paul will be responsible to the Bishop for all administrative  matters  and for the arrangements for the day-to-day spiritual functions in our parish. 

3.   A key part of the role will be the operation of both the PPC and the FFC, which exist to provide advice and support to the Priest-in-Charge.  As such, the “PIC.” is their first point of contact for any decision-making and he must be kept informed on all relevant issues within the parish. 

4.   Fr Stephen will take on a similar role for Bungay, and the Bishop expressed his gratitude to both retired priests for accepting these responsibilities. He also recognised the contribution being made by Deacon Tony, and by a number of parishioners, too.  He agreed with a suggestion that it would be acceptable for one of the existing “Ministers of the Eucharist” to lead a service of worship, with distribution of Holy Communion, if neither Canon Paul nor Deacon Tony were available.

5.    Bishop Peter re-iterated that there was no serious likelihood of finding a new source of priests in the short term, and he gave examples of some changes that had been made elsewhere.  Parishioners had to trust their Bishop to do what was right for the Diocese as a whole, ensuring it made the best use of resources, especially given the limited range of options available.  There was no doubt that more of the workload would fall on parishioners and Bishop Peter questioned those present on their opinion of the priorities for their parishes. 

6.     There was a clear view that one priority was for the re-introduction of the Children’s Liturgy and the Family Mass, to make attendance at Mass more attractive to the younger generation.  Social Events and Activities were also seen as a positive feature for parish life..  After some discussion, Bishop Peter said that he would review all the comments and decide the priorities for action; he would then issue them as the agenda for future PPC Meetings.  These meetings would be required to produce clear action plans to achieve the objectives set.

 7.     It is stressed that this is a very brief, personal summary of what are seen to be the key points relating to  St Benet’s parish.  It was a two-hour meeting with about 30 people, and this summary has been agreed with Canon Paul as such;  fuller notes can be expected in due course.

Terry O’Brien; Newsletter & Website Editor;  28 March 2024

05 March

Bishop Peter’s Presentation

To St Benet’s Congregation;  Sunday 03 March 2024

(A Personal Summary by Terry O’Brien.)

  1. Bishop Peter began by paying tribute to the two retired priests, Canon Paul, and Father Bould, ably supported by Deacon Tony Felton, for the work they have done to ensure the provision of Masses for the congregation. It had to be recognised that both priests have health issues and should be allowed to enjoy their well-earned retirement; continued reliance on their service, however gladly given,   was not an ideal solution.   The Bishop also recognised the long and valued service provided by the Monks at Downside – though he did have to record that some maintenance had been over-looked.
  1. However, there was a need to focus on the pressing matter of the provision of clergy to all our parishes. He wanted to share with Beccles parishioners some of the hard facts of life, and the difficult decisions that he, as Bishop, had to make.
    • The Diocese has some 44 priests actively engaged in pastoral roles – BUT c. 50% of these will be over 70 years of age within 5 to 6 years
    • We do have some seminarians in training – but we only have two or three likely to be ordained in the same time frame.
    • We have in the past recruited from overseas, but as these priests have to return to their home countries in due course, it is not a long-term solution.
    • Turning to the two ex-Benedictine parishes, he noted with pleasure that levels of attendance at Mass had returned to pre-covid levels This worship – and the need to welcome God into our lives – was fundamental to the Mission of the Church. However, looking at the arithmetic,  the two parishes have a mass-going population of about 300 – but FIVE Masses were being provided each weekend.  This was totally out of balance with the rest of the Diocese, and the ratio being used this weekend was more realistic. 
    • Bishop Peter stressed that the arithmetic was clear to all and in future, only one Mass at 09:00 at Bungay and one at 11:00 at Beccles should be provided.
  1. Regarding the wider problem, the Bishop said that he did not have a solution to present to the Parishes. He intended to consult with the opinion formers and leaders within each parish across the Diocese.  Using the Synodal Process, he hoped to identify the best ideas that could address the problems that they identified.  The parishes would be central to any action, and they must take responsibility for resolving the issues   e. g. local vocations being the perfect (but very long-term!) answer to the shortage of clergy.
  2. Bishop Peter said that linked to the Synodal process there was a real need for us to pray to Christ to guide our discussions and lead us to support the Diocese in our shared Mission.
Terry O’Brien,  Newsletter Editor
05 March 2024

21 January 2024


As many parishioners are aware, Fr Michael Brookes – parish priest of Bungay and priest with pastoral oversight for Beccles – has been experiencing the effects of significant stress over recent months, not least as a result of his concern regarding the health of his elderly mother. Since the summer of 2023, I have had a sequence of meetings and conversations with Fr Michael regarding his health and ministry.

You will all be aware that the diocese and the Downside community have been engaged in discussions over recent years concerning the status and operation of the parishes of Bungay and Beccles. I am sure you were delighted to hear the news that these discussions reached a fruitful conclusion on the 31st of December 2023 when the signed formal contract brought both parishes under the full canonical control of the diocese. Although this process has been conducted on a diocesan level, the situation inevitably created uncertainty and tension on a parish level. There have been times when this tension has impacted on Fr Michael.

At Christmas there was an incident which has led me to relieve Fr Michael of his pastoral responsibilities. I have instructed Fr Michael to engage with an assessment process that will help address a sequence of issues relating to his health and wellbeing as well as his ministerial practice. With the assistance of my diocesan safeguarding coordinator and others, I will ensure that Fr Michael receives the support and direction he requires. I ask you all to pray for Fr Michael and to pray for one another within both parish communities.

I am grateful to the Vicar General, Canon David Bagstaff, for his part in ensuring pastoral provision. I also wish to express my gratitude to Canon David Paul and to Fr Stephen Bould for their great contribution in service to both parishes over the past year and within the current context. I also thank Fr Dick White for his generous assistance at this time.

I am duty bound to tell you how difficult it will be to provide priestly cover over the coming weeks and months for there is no spare capacity within the diocese. There is no priest available to take up residence at this time. Many will be tempted to speculate regarding the future, but I must emphasise how unhelpful that would be. I am about to launch a consultation process across the diocese regarding the future of our pastoral provision for we face a significant diminution in the number of active priests over the coming months and years.

Be assured that I will do everything possible to ensure both parishes are cared for in the best manner possible. I call upon every parishioner to continue contributing to the ongoing life and ministry of both parishes at this challenging time. There is much to do but we are capable of assuming responsibility for the mission that is entrusted to all the baptised. With my blessing and the assurance of my prayers.

My best wishes,

The Right Reverend Peter G. Collins, KC*HS, STL

Bishop of East Anglia

03 January

Transfer of Parish Assets from Downside to the Diocese of East Anglia.

The following two papers are issued to inform parishioners of the progress of the transfer of the parish from Downside to the Diocese of East Anglia.

From the Abbot of Downside

Dear Parishioners,

After what has been an inexplicitly long legal process over several years, I am pleased, but saddened, to write to you to say that as of 1st January 2024, the parish will be transferred to the care and ownership of the Diocese of East Anglia. The parish has been under the care of the monks of St Gregory’s (Downside Abbey) for many years. Indeed, the first monk of St Gregory’s to secretly serve in the area was Fr William Walgrave in 1657, the last year of Cromwell’s puritanical dictatorship. We are saddened to end this long association with the diocese but changing times and Catholic practice make this step inevitable. The community are grateful to the diocese for taking on this responsibility and especially to Fr Mike Brookes who has served you so well and enthusiastically in recent years. My thanks to him, and to all of you who have supported our priests over the years. We will continue to keep you in our prayers in the years ahead.

Abbot Nicholas Wetz

From the Bishop of East Anglia


 The parishes of St Benet, Beccles, and St Edmund, Bungay, including the church of St Thomas More at Harleston, have formally transferred to the Diocese of East Anglia from the Benedictines of Downside Abbey with effect from 1 January 2024. Parishioners will undoubtedly feel that this brings a necessary close to a long drawn-out process, and ends the discomfort of uncertainty that many will have experienced. I should express my thanks to the monks of Downside for their long stewardship of the faith in Bungay and Beccles, and my grateful recognition of the many ties that parishioners will feel to the important part of England’s Catholic heritage which that represents. At the same time, it is my hope and prayer that we will now be able to begin, with this new year, a new chapter for the parish communities and their schools as an integral part of the Diocesan family, with all the support that can bring in the future.

With my blessing as we prepare together for the next phase of the Great Mission,

+ Peter


Parish Bank Accounts with Lloyd’s Bank. 

To make a payment or donation to the Parish use:- ‘St Benet’s Parish (Beccles) Accounts’;  Sort Code 30-98-97 ;  Account 7907 4762.

28 January 2023;  Priest’s Notes

Fr Mike asks us all to accept that the commitment from Bishop Alan to “try to find us a Parish priest in the New Year” could not be guaranteed success – especially if it involved a priest from a foreign country or from another diocese. 

Bishop Peter now has our need clearly in his in-tray – so we must be patient and support him with our prayers.

Sadly, we must accept that there is no likely candidate “waiting in the wings!”

Meanwhile, Fr Mike feels the parish is working well and he paid tribute to all the unsung heroes (and heroines) who help the parish to function – often working  un-noticed in the background. “Thank you all!”


17 December

Christmas and Easter Offertory Collections – An Update

collection-basketThe change to being a Diocesan parish affects the way our priests are remunerated, and many of the Diocesan clergy need these collections if they are to be able to take an annual holiday. 

Indeed, many would much prefer to receive a cash donation, rather than – perhaps – some “liquid” or confectionery item as a seasonal gift!  This also makes it easier to arrange sharing, when a number of clergy are involved – and also to ensure the taxman gets his share!

Finally, can we ask everyone to be as generous as possible when showing our personal appreciation for the work of our clergy – while stressing that no-one is expected to forego any of the necessities of life to do so. Thank you all!

19 November

Mass Intentions

A matter that has come to light is the very sensitive issue of “Mass Intentions”, especially when the actual date for which a Mass is requested, is important . 

Obviously, we now have only two opportunities to record individual Mass Intentions, i.e. on the days when we have a mass said in our parish.  Under Canon Law, each parish is required to say one Mass each week for “the people of the parish”.   However, Bishop Collins has undertaken to personally say Mass for the People of our Parish on a weekly basis, thus allowing us two occasions (9:00 am Sunday and 11:00 am Friday) when Mass can be dedicated to an individual’s intention.

Our priests have agreed that they can offer any  mass for two individual intentions.  However it was pointed out that the priests  – or their parish – can only accept one stipend, so in any such case, there has to be mutual agreement on how to handle this.  

With the very patient help of Karen, our Parish Secretary, we have agreed two instances of shared Masses, over the coming fortnight, and we are very grateful to the parties involved for their understanding.  However, we do feel there is a need to make the “rules of the procedure” clear to all – and it is proposed to publish the notes below in the next available Newsletter.

Mass Intentions – Revised Procedure

Our present situation means that we have limited opportunities to have a Mass said, at one of our parish Masses, for any personal or family intentions. 

In fairness to our three priests, they are not in possession of the reservations already made and cannot commit to any such request, for either of our churches.

Every request for a Mass for personal intentions MUST be made on the relevant proforma, available at the back of both churches; it must be submitted, in the first instance, to the Parish Secretary, Karen Gallie, at The Presbytery, 2 Grange Road, Beccles NR34 9NR  Tel. 07874 658 653.

If the date requested is already taken, the alternatives are: –

    • Ask if it is possible to have a Mass said by Fr Stephen at Bungay;
    • Approach an alternative parish in our Deanery, e.g. Lowestoft, Southwold, Poringland, Gorleston or Great Yarmouth, phone numbers available on request;
    • Ask Karen to investigate the option of “sharing” the Mass with the person for whom the date has already been reserved.
      1. If there is a request to “share” a Mass, Karen will seek  the agreement of both parties; the initial principle being “first come first served” and there can be no question of compulsion to “share” a Mass already booked.
      2. No more than two “Intentions” will be accepted for any Mass.

20 October

Review of Parish Pastoral Arrangements

On Thursday 20 October, the PPC discussed the operation of the temporary arrangements for our spiritual and social well-being while we are without a Parish Priest.  The main action points are: –

  • Encourage parishioners to make appointments if they wish to discuss non-emergency issues with Fr Mike.
  • Recognise that Fr Mike will not remain at St Benet’s on Friday afternoons if there are no interviews planned.
  • Support the work of our school and of Fr Chris Smith from Southwold, who will be taking on the role of Chaplain.
  • Encourage parishioners to participate in the “School Masses”, which are planned to be held in the Hall.
  • Continue to monitor parishioners’ views on the working of our Spiritual Arrangements.
  • Review the constitution of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and elect Office Holders as identified.
  • Form a “Social Sub-committee” to revitalise our social activities.
  • Produce information/guidance on sources of help/advice for parishioners experiencing financial difficulty.
  • Support the Waveney Foodbank Christmas Raffle (in lieu of our own).
  • F&FC to review the cover given by the CIS Insurance Policy and the requirements to ensure we meet their terms.
  • F&FC to develop a plan for the refurbishment of the presbytery that meets our long-term needs and has the support of the parishioners who will have to contribute at least part of the cost of the work.
  • F&FC also to investigate possible sources of Diocesan or other funding for the work envisaged.


08 October

Fr Mike Brookes writes in the Parish Newsletter:

I wanted to take this opportunity to say a few words to the people of Beccles and Gillingham and surrounding villages as I assume the role of providing pastoral oversight in the parish during the interregnum that has now begun. Obviously, it is less than ideal to have no full-time priest on site, and I know that Bishop Alan is working hard to find a successor to Fr Martin – let’s pray very hard that he is successful and soon!

downside_1But there is another change occurring at the same time, which is that the parish is moving from Benedictine to diocesan management, and there may be some anxiety about what this means. In the first instance, it should be acknowledged that the long association of Downside Abbey with the Beccles area has produced many wonderful results and a powerful witness throughout those years of ministry. It is impossible for a newly-arrived administrator to compete with this kind of history and the emotional and spiritual legacy that it has generated; and for the record, I am wise enough not to try. I want to honour that history and reassure you that my aim is to provide maintenance rather than wholesale change.

Cathedral SJB BrianLafferty750But we should not be blind to the fact that administrative and strategic planning from a diocese, and from diocesan staff, inevitably does lead to differences in financial and practical management. These differences will become apparent over time and relate more to infrastructure than to pastoral and liturgical initiatives. It is my hope that we can work together without undue fear or hesitancy and continue to provide a sacred space both in the church and throughout the parish as a whole.

My initial commitment is to be present in the parish on most Fridays, but so as to have the opportunity to meet more of you, I will endeavour to exchange duties with Fr Stephen Bould occasionally and so celebrate mass on Sunday at Gillingham and Beccles. Because I still have full-time responsibility for the churches at Bungay and Harleston, I respectfully request that all non-urgent matters are referred to me when I am in the presbytery on Fridays, although any genuine emergency can, of course, be brought to my attention at any time.

Christmas cribI am looking forward to the next few months as we approach Advent and Christmastide, and very much hope to get to know both the parish and her parishioners as the weeks pass. Please pray for me in this new role, and be assured of my own prayers for all of you, with all good wishes.

In Christ, Fr Mike.

29 September. 2022

Summary of PPC Meeting with Fr. Mike Brookes

16:00 on Monday 26 September

(with minor updates to para 5, below, made on Tuesday 12 April, 2023, in the light of our experiences to date. )

 Those Present:

Fr Mike; Fr Martin; Deacon Tony; Terry O’Brien (Sec’y); Ann Kemp; Jo Hamer; Pam Storey; Sue Workman. Chris Scott.

  1. Apologies for absence:

Linda Last (Chair); Brian Lewis; Bernard Segrave-Daly; Mike Ellwood; Sam Barlow.

  1. Introduction

Fr Mike asked those present to introduce themselves and indicate what role they had on the PPC.  He then gave an outline of his own conversion to Catholicism, and the growth of his adult vocation for the priesthood – leading to his ordination in 2019, aged 58.  After a spell as Assistant at Bury St Edmunds, he was appointed to Bungay in September 2021.  Initially appointed as Administrator, he was recently confirmed as Parish Priest and was tasked with taking on the additional role of Administrator for St Benet’s until a new Parish Priest could be found for us.  He stressed that there was a real commitment by Bishop Alan to achieve this but, while various avenues were being explored, there was no obvious source at the moment.

  1. Spiritual Support for St Benet’s

4.1 Weekday Mass. Fr Mike aims to spend every Friday at St Benet’s.   He hopes to celebrate Mass with us at 11:00, after which he will be able to get to know some more parishioners.

4.2 Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions). This sacrament could be made available on Fridays, by prior appointment. (Bookings for after 11:00 a.m. Mass would obviously be most convenient)

4.3 Home Visits. As well as administrative support, Fr Mike will be available on Fridays to visit any of the house-bound or Care Home residents who are currently visited by lay people, and who would benefit from a visit by a priest, perhaps for Confession to be heard.  Given the limited time available, these must also be programmed, and the parish may wish to recruit more volunteers for Home Visiting – for whom some training and DBS clearance might be necessary.

4.4 Mass Intentions.  The facility of having Mass said for Personal Intentions will obviously be limited to two per week – as one Mass out of our three must always be said for “the people of the parish”.  A volunteer will be required to co-ordinate the requests, and notify the priest concerned.  A Mass could also be requested at any other parish, but the Mass stipend would then be payable to that parish.  Fr Martin indicated that he could always be contacted for help if need be.

4.5 Deanery Support. Fr Mike was planning to raise the need for support for St Benet’s at a future Deanery meeting; he was sure all concerned would help where-ever possible, and especially in any emergency.  Fr. Christopher Smith at Southwold had already indicated his willingness to assist.

To Contact Fr Mike Tel 01986 893 355 or email

  1. Celebration of Sunday Masses 

Fr Stephen Bould has agreed to celebrate Mass at OLPS Gillingham at 09:00;  Canon David Paul will celebrate the 10:30 Mass at St Benet’s.

In due course, we hope that one of our retired priests will be able to celebrate a “Family Mass”. (See 7.4)

It is expected that Fr Stephen and Canon David will be able to celebrate two Masses for us on Holydays of Obligation – one daytime Mass (perhaps with the school) and one in the evening.  The willimg support of our clergy – and some key parishioners! –  has made possible the provision of our normal range of Masses and other services for Christmas and Easter.

In the future, it might be possible to arrange some exchange of the three priests between the three Masses in St Benet’s and OLPS, to allow Fr Mike to meet a wider range of parishioners.  In the event of absence for holidays or sickness, the three priests will work together to ensure our essential “Sunday Services” are covered.

      The costs of Fr Mike’s support are covered by his existing payment by the Diocese, (other than his travel costs between the two parishes).  St Benet’s parish will be liable for the standard “supply cost” and travel expenses for the two other (retired) priests.

  1. Emergency Assistance and Contacts

Fr Mike said he would be contactable via his email address or the Bungay presbytery phone – other than on Wednesday which was his scheduled “day off”.  He would not publish his mobile phone number as he would always answer the house phone if he was available.  If he was away, either of “our” two supply priest – or indeed any other priest in the Deanery – would respond for a real emergency.  But it was stressed that we need to identify if the matter is Important AND Urgent and only call for the priest if is both of these! i.e. a real EMERGENCY.

For routine matters, it is best to raise the matter just before the “Friday Visit” as relevant information may be easier to access in Beccles – or a meeting locally can be arranged. 

To Contact Fr Mike , tel 01986 893 355 or email

  1. PPC Members Priorities

Fr Mike then asked those present what they saw as priority issues for the parish.  Items raised were:  –

7.1 Finances. – We need to build up our funds as we are facing significant expenditure on maintenance.  This was agreed to be a difficult matter, given the real  pressure all parishioners are experiencing.

7.2 Second Collections. – Again, any increase in the number of these puts intolerable demands on the less well off – and causes real embarrassment when “pressure to donate” is felt.

7.3 Complaints not being raised properly. – People are willing to complain to each other – but are reluctant to speak to the priest. It was suggested that they be given the option of the matter being raised on their behalf at a PPC Meeting, to see if it is a common issue, that MAY be worth taking further.  The PPC is meant to be a consultative body that can take parishioner concerns forward.

7.4 Lack of Young People Involvement.  This is a perennial problem – and there have been good initiatives, especially with our school, in St Benet’s over recent years.  We just have to keep working at it and getting parents and/or other parishioners involved in the process.  Working with our school is essential.


Fr Mike thanked the PPC members for their commitment to helping the parish to function and for their honest contributions. In turn, the PPC felt it had been a very worthwhile exercise and that it was good to get feedback on the issues that were of concern to many parishioners.  They were most grateful to Fr Mike and to Fr Martin for giving up their time to listen.

The next meeting of the PPC will be 18:30 on Thursday 20 October

 Terry O’Brien

Secretary; PPC; 27 Sept 2022

 09 September

Parish Administration  

Beginning 26th September, Fr Michael Brookes will come over to St Benet’s from Bungay for one day each week – to celebrate Mass with us and to address ongoing issues around the transfer of our parish from Downside Abbey (now ‘St Gregory’s’) to full diocesan control.  

Search For Solution


Initially, Fr Mike will meet with the Parish Pastoral Council and then the Finance & Fabric Committee, to better understand the concerns of importance to our parishioners.

            The post of Administrator, now assumed by Fr Mike for Beccles and Bungay alike, acknowledges that the process of transfer is still under way for both parishes (e.g.  aspects of School Administration and buildings maintenance).  Bishop Alan hopes to install a priest in St Benet’s parish within the coming months and we join him with our own prayers for the future.  The Bishop’s announcement about the future of our parish can be seen below.

04 September 2022

Change of Parish Organisation

In 2021, it was announced that a decline in vocations for the Benedictine Order made it impossible for the Abbey at Downside to continue to serve their various “missions” in England.   The monks at Downside formed a new “Community of St Gregory” and  moved to new premises in the grounds of  Buckfast Abbey in Devon.. 

Of direct effect to our parish, was to be the loss of our Parish Priest, Fr Martin Gowman, at the end of September, and the transfer of our parish, its land and buildings, to the Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia (RCDEA). 

At the time of writing, September 2022, the procedures for the transfer of the land and buildings are proceeding, but the existence of various trusts and other legal matters are taking longer than expected to resolve.

On 03 September, our Bishop, Rt. Rev. Alan Hopes, announced the following key decisions to enable our parish to commence working on the changes to the administrative and pastoral matters consequent on the imminent return of our Parish Priest to the monastic life.

Bishop Alan’s Visit; Saturday 03 September, 2022

Bishop Alan met with the FFC and the PPC and outlined his plans for our parish after Fr Martin’s  departure. His key points are as follows.

  • St Benet’s will remain an individual parish, but it is not yet possible for us to have our own Parish Priest.
  • Finding a Parish Priest within the next 12 months will be a priority;  this priest will probably come from overseas.
  • In the interim, Fr Michael Brookes, from St Edmunds, Bungay, will have overall responsibility for the administrative and pastoral care of the parish.
  • Fr Michael will spend one day per week in St Benet’s parish and, subject to discussions with his own PPC, this will probably be every Friday, when he plans to say Mass in St Benet’s at 11:00.
  • Sunday Masses will be celebrated for us at OLPS Gillingham, at either 08;00 or 09:00 (a regular celebrant and time to be confirmed) and at St Benet’s at 10:30 by Canon David Paul. (Canon David is the recently retired Dean of the Cathedral and lives in Norwich). There will be no Mass at 18:00.

Fr Michael said he was committed to meeting the members of the FFC and PPC. as well as the other office holders and volunteers who do so much to keep the parish functioning.  He hopes to do this over the last week in September and the first weeks in October.

It was agreed that the PPC will meet at 18:30 on Thursday 08 September to discuss the implications of these changes on our Parish Life. 

This has been a very brief summary of a very complicated situation;  if you can’t find the information you want, email the Website Editor;  or call Terry on mobile 07504 962 368.

Terry O’Brien;  Secretary PPC.