FFC (Finance & Fabric Committee)

St Benet’s  Parish , Beccles

Minutes of the meeting of the Fabric and Finance committee held 11th January 2024

1  Bernard Segrave-Daly welcomed all to the meeting and led us in prayer.

2  Apologies had been received from Fr Mike. Present were Bernard, Pamela Saint Mart, Tony Felton, Paul Quinn, Mike Ellwood, Gabriel Doll and Hilda Jackson ( Secretary)

The minutes of the meeting held 26th October were passed and signed by Bernard after an amendment to the current cash asset figure which was incorrectly printed.

Matters arising.  On para. 6 Insurance it was suggested that the inventory taken by Paul should extend to the contents of the garage . There was further discussion on how to value such things as church ‘furniture’. It was decided to seek assistance from the Diocese on this.

It was also noted that DBS checks for those handling money were not required. Possibly references from two people should be sought.

5   Financial report from Pamela showed the end of year figures, however while the income is correct to date some figures were estimated and some bills for Energy had not yet been received.

Pamelas’ written report to accompany the figures explained these details.

The bank balances on 11th January were  C/A £9212.10 and S/A  £38174.75 Total £47386.85

  1. Chairman’s report a) The repayment of half the legal fees being retained by Downside was confirmed as £5000.b) Bernard presented the result of the year’s expenditure against the Budget that had been set. The sheet is attached. Overall the loss was £10,580 compared to a budgeted loss of £27, 838.

( If the legal fee reduction is set against the figures then the loss becomes £5,580)

The under spend was attributed to various items which were listed, refunds for household rates and water were welcome . However much was ‘saved ‘ by not spending on church repairs which will still have to be covered in future.

The Budget for 2024/5 has been set at a predicted loss of £15,680 including Maintenance of £15,000

  1. c) Bernard and Pamela had attended the Diocesan financial meeting
  1. d) A draft of the proposed Parish hand book has gone to the PPC for consideration.
  1. e) Pamela has in hand the preparation for final financial returns due by 29th February.
  1. Gift Aid Paul Quinn gave a comprehensive update of the Gift aid situation. His full report is attached.

In summary, active contributors are up to 37 from 26. The total donations for the year were £11, 258 forecast to the end of the tax year £15,010 to yield a potential £ 3.002 tax refund to the parish.

He further reported that Loose plate collections combined from both parishes are forecast to be £11,694 giving rise to a tax refund of £2338. Making a total claim for 23/24 Of £5.340 (vs £4.903 last year.)

A question was raised whether the new ‘contactless giving’ income could be counted as part of the loose plate collection for GASDS purpose, the answer was unknown!

He then  pointed out that the UK State pension will be closer to the 20% tax thresholds and may make more people eligible to join the Gift Aid scheme.

Further research was presented showing the income of the two churches over the last seven years

and while the totals have almost caught up with the 2017 figures the reduction in buying power was declared at £8,000 for St Benet’s and £3.500 for OLPS.

The opportunities to increase income within the existing income framework is limited; loose plate collections at OLPS are already fully claimed for GASDS as they are < £8000 and The collection at St Benet’s is on target for being around £8000 and therefore also fully GASDS .

The only way now to bring up the income and buying power is to ask all parishioners to increase their weekly contribution by £3 per week, and that that should be by gift-aided SO if possible.

At this point Hilda referred to an earlier decision by the committee in October that a Stewardship campaign should be launched this spring which would address this need. However Fr Mike’s absence ( since announced as permanent)  will impact on getting started so for the moment no such campaign is imminent.

8   Parish estate. Mike Ellwood reported that the woodworm treatment in the organ loft had been completed.

Further he reported that a ‘drip’ reported by some was traced to ingress of water under a door in the tower area which subsequently was making its way down stairs. Steps had been taken to deal with this.

Further clearing of previously untouched guttering around the apse of the church and other difficult areas was about to be tackled by Will Tyrrell using a ‘cherry picker’. Mike hoped to be able to take the opportunity to inspect  other areas of concern . He had noted that further breaks of stone from the corbels at the front of the church had occurred.

His contact with Matthew Champion regarding the need for repairs had yielded only “ Don’t worry”  and “Hang on”

He had also contacted Barry Darche who is compiling a Beccles Town Heritage guide to request St Benet’s be included.

9   AOB  Pamela reiterated  from her financial written report that the presbytery cooker extractor fan appeared to be working but did need the exit grill  to be replaced as it was clogged up with grease.

David Reed will tackle this as soon as he can.

The meeting closed at 7.30pm

Next meeting  21st MARCH at 6pm in the hall.


Gift Aid – 2023/24 – Interim Report – End December 2023

  1. Gift Aid Declarations –
  2. 41 people with current GADs
  3. 4 people not currently contributing
  4. 37 Active contributors (up from 26 as of Nov 22)
  1. Gift Aid contributions (to end December 2023)
  2. £11,258 YTD
  3. £15,010 Forecast to year end (Monthly Average)
  4. £3,002 Forecast tax refund to Parish
  5. Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme (GASDS) – Loose plate contributions (to end Dec 23)
  6. St Benet’s – £5,319 YTD
  7. OLPS – £3,451 YTD
  8. £11,694 Forecast to year end (Monthly Average)
  9. £2338 Forecast ‘top up’ grant refund to Parish
  10. Current forecast is that ALL St Benet’s Loose Plate will be eligible for GASDS because it is likely to be < £8,000!
  11. Total Gift Aid Forecast Refund
  12. For 2023/24 – £5,340
  13. Last year (2022/23) refund claim was £4,903
  14. Further Information for consideration
  15. Tax Thresholds – In April 2024, UK State Pension maximum (circa £11,500) will be closer to 20% tax threshold (£12,750). This may push some non-tax payers into the tax regime, and they will therefore become eligible for Gift Aid. Opportunity to recruit additional Gift Aid members
  16. See information regarding current income c/w 2017 and inflation effect
  17. Campaign to request £3/week/person extra contributions.

Finance and Fabric Committee Membership, (FFC)

As at 01 February 2024, the Members of the Finance and Fabric Committee, (FFC) and their Areas of Responsibility are as follows :-

Member                                 Area of Responsibility

Rev. Tony Felton               Deacon and Clergy Representative

Bernard Segrave-Daly     Chairperson

Hilda Jackson                   Secretary

Pamela Saint-Mart           Treasurer; Finance

Paul Quinn                       Gift Aid

Michael Ellwood               Church Buildings & Fabric

Gabriel Doll                      Grounds Maintenance