Gift Aid

St. Benet’s Gift Aid Scheme

How to turn £1 into £1.25 – with no effort or cost to you!


What Is It?

The “Gift Aid” scheme enables our parish to claim back – from the Tax Authorities – an extra 25p for every £1 you give, at NO cost to you!  The only requirement is that you pay enough Tax to at least equal the total of ALL your gift aid donations.

Your details will only be known to the Scheme Coordinator who must make an annual return to the Tax Authorities of the amount donated and the refund claimed.

Offertory Collections

Your donations can be made by Standing Order, (weekly or monthly) direct from your bank to the Church’s bank.  If you prefer to donate cash weekly, you can use your Personal Numbered Envelopes for the Offertory Collections.

Second Collections

Donations for certain Second Collections our parish’s “Church and Grounds Maintenance” plus four Diocesan funds – Priest Training, St Edmund’s Fund, Youth Service and Dependent Priests are also eligible for this tax reclaim.  Scheme members should keep “Second Collection” envelopes for these.

(Most other organisations for whom we have a Second Collection will provide their own envelope, with a declaration form to complete, if you are eligible for their scheme.)

Interested in Helping?

If you want to find out more – without any obligation – just print and complete the slip below, then place it in the collection basket.  Scheme Coordinator, Chris Boyes (01502 712971) is always happy to answer any queries you have and to send you the relevant documentation for consideration.

Gift Aid Scheme.

I am interested in learning more about using the Gift Aid Scheme to increase the value of all my donations to St Benet’s Parish and the Diocese by 25%.

Please send me the relevant documents.

Title…………First Name ……………………… Surname ………………….………………

Full Home Address …………………………………………………………………………


Post Code ………….…….…….  Telephone ………………………………………………