Our Deanery Neighbours

Our Deanery

To simplify the organisation of the Diocese, it is split into seven Deaneries, made up of Parishes in close geographical proximity.  We are part of Great Yarmouth Deanery – a total of six parishes in the Coastal region of the Diocese. They, and the additional places of worship they serve, are:

Beccles;                     St. Benet’s; (+ Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Gillingham)

Bungay;                     St. Edmund’s; (+ St Thomas More, Harleston)

Gorleston;                  St. Peter’s;

Great Yarmouth;      St. Mary’s; (+ St Edmund, Acle; St Ignatius Loyola, Caister)

Lowestoft;                  Our Lady Star of the Sea; (+ St Nicolas, Pakefield)

Southwold;                The Sacred Heart; (+St Edmund, Halesworth)

In October, 2019, Bishop Alan appointed a new Dean for us – Fr Anthony Nwan-Kwo SMMM – who is parish priest of Great Yarmouth, working with two other Nigerian priests in Yarmouth and Gorleston. The Dean is the Bishop’s representative in the Deanery and there are regular meetings of the clergy from all parishes to address shared concerns and develop appropriate initiatives.

Our Immediate Neighbours

Our closest neighbours, in more ways than one, are of course St Edmund’s in Bungay, as it was also a Benedictine Parish.

St Edmund’s also serves the community at Harleston, with Sunday Mass at 09:00 in the church of St Thomas More.

Saturday Evening Vigil Mass

One benefit we get from having St Edmund’s close by is that there is a Saturday Vigil Mass at St Edmund’s at 18:30.

Alternatives for Saturday Vigil Mass are Our Lady Star of the Sea at Lowestoft at 17:30, or the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Norwich at 18:00.