Parish AGM – 2023

  1. St. BENET’S BECCLES PARISH AGM: THURSDAY 04 MAY 2023               
  1. Attendance

1.1 Those Present:

      Religious: Fr. Mike, Deacon Tony.

      PPC Members: Pam Storey (Chair), Brian Lewis (FFC), Chris Scott, Jo Haymer, Pamela Saint-Mart (Treasurer), Karen Gallie (Secretary), Sue Workman, Neville Kryke-Smith.

      Others: Rona Baxter, Jenny Gibson, Hilary Jones, Hilda Jackson, Ann Kemp,Mary and Mike Ellwood, Jo Lewis, Linda Last, Gent from Loddon, 1 other male.

1.2 Apologies for Absence: Terry O’Brien, Sam Barlow, Bernard Segrave-Daly, Claire Valori, Helen Hemming.

The AGM was opened with a prayer by Fr. Mike.

Pam welcomed and thanked everyone for attending, acknowledging the difficulties and changes in not having a resident priest and thanking Fr. Mike for looking after us.  She hoped that we will continue to help this wonderful church and parish and that it will flourish through our work and our prayers. Claire provided an update from Gillingham, thanked all hardworking lay volunteers and Fr. Stephen for his dedication. Fr. Mike also recognised the limitations as acting resident priest due to his duties in Bungay and Harleston.

  1. Minutes and Matters Arising (Any items not covered by the agenda.)

 Nothing was added by members at the meeting.

  1. The Revised Constitution of the PPC. (Copies available).                (Fr. MB)

Fr. Mike explained the need to update the Constitution because, when the parish is no longer under Downside management it becomes, by church law a new juridical person, in other words a new organisation.  The new constitution be viewed on the website and any parishioners with comments should address them to Fr. Mike.

  1. Membership of PPC (Two potential members to be identified.)    (Fr. MB)

There are two vacancies on the PPC. People should contact Fr Mike in first instance and he will explain what the role involves to see if they are interested in being nominated.

  1. PPC Report.                                                                                                        (PS)

5.1. Parish Life; Social Activities; Fundraising

Pam asked for ideas and volunteers for more social evenings, especially if the School could help and encourage more young people to join in. Also, the Charity Stall in the marketplace is restarting during the summer.

A statement from Helen Hemming announced that parishioners’ generosity further to the Christmas appeal had raised £2850, which would feed 300 children for the school year.

Pam invited Mary Ellwood to say a few words about The School of Peace in the southern Congo which is maintained through our bountiful fundraising. The secondary teachers are unpaid; so most children who stay on have to work in the evenings and their parents have to pay $25 dollars monthly. There are 1250 children aged from 3 to 18 and our money pays for those secondary teachers. We are now sponsoring 6 students through university. The estimate for extending the toilet block is $3748 and we will be able to fund that. Since last summer various activities have raised £4500, and all our fundraising enables us to send £15500 per year.

5.2 The Way Ahead for the Next Generation.                                                     (KG)

Karen Gallie has suggested this be discussed at all PPC meetings in terms of working towards involving young people and a broader representation of the community in all parish events. This kind of evangelising could involve active families in the school – perhaps via their newsletter – plus better links with Christian churches, and events based on social or community activities that encourage encounter with our Catholic parish and our Catholic faith. An ideas box in the church might provide suggestions for the PPC to discuss, and support from the local council for some initiatives might be available with Chris Scott’s help.  It was however agreed that getting others to participate can be difficult.

5.3 The Synodal Pathway.       (Copies available )                                          (NK-S)

The action plan at parish level would be to reach out to provide contact with marginalised people. Neville felt that we should not wait until a new priest is appointed but should proceed with planning other activities for ecumenical expansion to counter loneliness, isolation, the increase in mental illnesses with possible healing services. Neville summarised the parish submission under the heading of Communion, Participation and Mission.

Fr. Mike supported the proposal and advises anyone with affordable ideas for which there were supporters within the parish to talk to him, strongly backing up the idea that the Catholic church, as well as individual Catholics, need to be getting involved in Christian work elsewhere. This may change the negative perspective of Catholicism sometimes held by other people.

  1. FFC Report

6.1 Finance, Stewardship, Ecumenical Matters.                                             (BS-D)

Current funds are approximately £52000, a seemingly good financial position, but some liabilities are imminent. One concerns Downside, inasmuch as the legal fees involved in transferring the parish to the diocese may be partially charged to us. Monies are being transferred from the Downside bank account to the Beccles parish account. The second concern is the need to upgrade the presbytery – by firstly clearing and making the decor more attractive and maybe replacing some kitchen appliances.  There is a projected loss this year of up to £26000.  The 100-year-old hall, and specially the roof, needs refurbishment and discussions have been held between the school and the church regarding the ongoing management of the hall. Any realistic solutions suggested in this process will be put to the parish. Ultimately, when conveyancing is completed, the diocese will own the hall.  

Stewardship was discussed. Paul Quinn’s focus is on raising Standing Orders for and donations/offerings and claiming Gift Aid which could raise an extra £2500. Also, our outgoings are increased whilst we’re being supported by other priests in the absence of a full-time parish priest.

6.2 Fabric and Legislative Matters.                                                                     (ME)

The most significant event was the Grade Il listing of the church which brought in local and national media attention. This brought restrictions with it for what can be done in the church and its surroundings, but we will have access to funds and specialist advice.

Problems with the stonework are being monitored. Water is causing internal damage at the top where the church joins the hall but the issue will remain until the finalisation of the transfer to the diocese – and then who will pay?

A flood in the toilet and some trip hazards have been sorted.  The lightning conductors are tested annually as is the wiring. Thanks go to Andy and Gabriel for their help in both the churchyard and within the church.

Health and Safety is not just the responsibility of the committee –  it is for everyone.  If you see something potentially dangerous, either tell someone or deal with it immediately if possible.  The biggest risk is tripping over something – we must ensure we have procedures in place for keeping people safe; we have paperwork to prove that.  If you are organising a parish event a risk assessment must be made so please contact Mike Ellwood.

Mike thanked everyone for their patience with respect to the fire doors and to the Fire Marshals who are also the Greeting team; to David Read for installing the emergency lights; and to the cleaning team for pushing back the kneelers.

Data protection is important and data is collected under the policy of the diocese. Databases must be kept up to date legally so, if you change your contact details, wish to be removed from the database, or unsubscribe from the newsletter, please tell Terry. For any queries, please contact Mike.

  1. School Report (Copies available also, on website. SB not present)

  Karen spoke to Mary Ellwood, a school governor of St Benet’s, about the issue of Special Needs children, suggesting that the topic of SEN should be discussed in all governor meetings. With more children now being diagnosed who need to be integrated into mainstream schools, the insufficient financial support needs to be discussed.

  1. Clergy Report.                                                                                                 (Fr MB)

 Bishop Alan gave Fr. Mike administrative oversight of St. Benet’s in September 2022 as an interim measure whilst waiting for a permanent appointment of a full-time resident parish priest in Beccles. Fr. Mike is canonically our current parish priest albeit not full time. He stated he has benefited greatly from all the hard-working committees and groups within the parish.

The PPC and the Finance and Fabric committee are aware of their remit and parish matters are in safe hands.

Sacramentally the contributions of Deacon Tony, Canon David and Father Stephen have provided a very solid framework for the spiritual life of the parish with other initiatives remaining uninterrupted thanks to the work of the lay people. FHC Mass took place last Sunday and confirmation classes start in the Autumn; we have no RCIA candidates.

Bishop Peter is undertaking a special period of consultation and investigation to see what is happening in the diocese as a whole and has not informed Fr. Mike about his plans for this parish.

Fr Mike stated that we must acknowledge the challenges from having less resources, clergy or money but where there is threat there is opportunity to find new ways of doing things. Fr. Mike reiterated that whilst the future is unknown we should try to be optimistic or even excited about the possibility of change.

   Fr. Mike stated that the most important part of the church was its parishioners and we must come together and participate. We should investigate the talents of the parish and use them in trying to get everybody engaged in parish work/life. Our Stewardship focuses on Time, Talents and Treasure; he is very hopeful for the parish and expressed his gratitude for all the hard work parishioners do alongside the welcome he received.

 Fr Mike paid tribute to Deacon Tony for all his work and knowledge. Tony joked that he wished he had a £1 for every time he was asked when a new priest was coming!

   Tony regrets that a sacristan can’t be found for Sunday Mass and has asked several people to help, to no avail, as he gets older. Pam wishes for more young people to get involved but is unsure how to recruit them whilst Karen pointed out that the cost-of-living crisis means people are working longer hours and have less spare time.

It was suggested that the families who come to Mass regularly could be asked to carry out a task for that Mass.   Fr. Mike acknowledged what Tony was saying and that it’s a problem across the board. He suggested we invite people to carry out a particular role. He also expressed how he is massively impressed how activities have carried on at St. Benet’s.

  1. Other Issues – none brought to the meeting.

  10.Pam thanked everyone for coming, closed the meeting and invited Fr. Mike to lead a closing prayer.

11. Proposed Date of Next AGM: 18.30pm on Thursday, 2nd May 2024.         

12. Refreshments.  Coffee and a light buffet were provided and served, with due thanks to Pamela Saint-Mart.